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Hearing Assessment
In Our Clinic for Children
over 3 years
Diagnostic Hearing Assessment includes
Play Audiometry or PTA
This assessment measures your child's ability to discriminate between different sound intensities and frequencies. They respond using a fun game, or for older children by pressing a button.

Otoscopy, Tympanometry & Otoacoustic Emissions
A safe and painless assessment of the outer, middle and inner-ears and involves your child sitting still for approximately 1 minute . They are welcome to watch their favorite show or read a book while this assessment takes place.
Speech Testing & Acoustic Reflexes
If further assessment is indicated speech testing is performed to understand the child's ability to discriminate speech sounds and recall the information presented based on auditory input alone. Similarly, if indicated Acoustic Reflexes is performed. This assesses the pathway between the brain and the ear by assessing the involuntary contraction of the ear muscle to sounds presented.
Reasons your child may need a hearing test
Paediatrician, GP,
Medical Referral
Speech and language delay, ear infections, developmental concerns, behavioural issues ADHD, ADD, neurodiversity and other reasons.
Psychologist, Speech, OT, or other Allied Health Referral
Expressive or receptive language difficulties, writing or reading difficulties, stuttering, dysfluency, dyslexia, articulation, sensory, anxiety, ADHD, and other reasons.
School Counsellor or Teacher Referral
Concentration, behaviour, language (receptive and expressive), understanding, working memory, attention, social, emotional regulation and other reasons.
Transition to School Check
The NSW government recommends Eyes, Ears and Dental check before starting school.
Most children complete their vision check through the preschool steps program. Hearing checks are not funded and often missed due to cost and accessibility. Our school yEARs program delivers on-site essential hearing screenings in NSW schools and pre-schools to ensure no child is missed (learn more).